Cappricoo DIY Collection

this blog is all about DIY activitys.

How to make Yarn Balls (Cappricoo DIY Collection)

How to make Yarn Balls (Cappricoo DIY Collection)

Decorating room is too much hard and expensive.

Hi guys welcome to my blog. Namaste from my side I am Jyoti Rajbanshi. This is my first DIY blog. As I have already told you decorating room is too much hard and expensive. But today I am gonna teach you the easiest way to decorate your room in cheap. 

For decorating the room I am gonna use some yarn light balls so that. Yarn ball are an inexpensive and versatile decore trick. They also make for easy party decoration. 

To Make these Yarn ball You gonna need:-

  1. Yarn (any color you like )
  2. White Glue 
  3. Round Balloons
  4. Scissor 
  5. Flat Tray or bowl
  6. Water 

After collecting all the necessary take a flat tray or bowl at least one inch.

Mix white glue and water very well on the bowl. 
If you mix 75% water and 25% water then your yarn ball look something like this in the picture.
But if you mix 70% glue and 25% water then we may can say that you are wasting your glue.
So always remember that while mixing, the glue and the water should be 50:50.

Soak the yarn into the water-glue mixture.
Make sure to soak the yarn evenly in the water glue mixture.

The third step is wrapping the yarn.

Blow up a small round shape balloon.
Start wrapping the glued yarn around the balloon randomly. 
Cover the whole balloon evenly with the yarn and try to create a nice and even pattern. 

Allow the glue to dry for at least a day
Image result for yarn ball dry

Image result for yarn ball dry

After the glue dries make sure to free the yarn from balloon by pushing the balloon on place where it is joined to the yarn. 

Finally pop the balloon and take it out from the yarn.

Keep the yarn ball in the sun light next 2-3 hours. 

Image result for yarn ball dry

These yarn ball look really decorative and make beautiful centerpieces.
Perfect for all weather.


How to make Yarn Balls (Cappricoo DIY Collection)

How to make Yarn Balls (Cappricoo DIY Collection) Decorating room is too much hard and expensive. Hi guys welcome to my...

cappricoo collection